Salt Your SEO: Kickstart Your SEO With These 5 Easy Steps!
Solopreneurship is about as easy and pain-free as swallowing shards of glass – and that’s putting it lightly. That might shock you if you’re just getting started and have only seen the wins of online business influencers on social media. But if you’ve been at this for some time already, then you know!
Unless you’ve already built successful businesses or recently left your mid-level corporate job for solopreneurship, this journey isn’t easy. And that’s why it’s so incredibly important to self-teach yourself all about business as a company of one (while staying sane of course!).
It doesn’t end at reading and self-teaching though; you actually need to take action and do things in order to move closer to achieving your goals. Based on personal experience, I recommend purchasing the Kindle versions of these books (links included below) and highlighting interesting or thought-provoking passages you read! Even if that’s almost everything, if you want to remember and take action on it, highlight it.
These 10 books are nicely packaged collections of wisdom by people who’ve been in your shoes and come out the other side with genuine self-fulfillment and success. So now it’s your turn! You got this!
Note: I only ever recommend resources that I 100% believe in and fully stand behind. Also, this blog post contains affiliate links.
Seren Nurgun
SEO pro and founder of SweetSea Digital, Seren has proudly generated over 278,000 organic clicks from Google and worked with awe-inspiring 6 and 7-figure business owners. Ethical, sustainable marketing is her jam.
An SEO pro since 2021, I’ve generated over 278,000 organic clicks from Google and worked with 6 and 7-figure business owners. Starting, running, and growing a business definitely isn’t the easiest thing you’ll ever do (to put it lightly), so this treasure trove of blog posts is purely focused on making your life that much easier. You’ve found one of my favorite places on the internet, so I won’t hold you any longer - happy reading!